Museum of Thieves launch

September 29th, 2010

Hooray, it’s publication day in Australia and the US, and at last the book is in the shops! Here in Tasmania we are building up to the official Australian launch on Sunday October 10th at 11 am. The launch will of course be held at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery.

There’s an old convict-built warehouse out the back of the museum called the Bond Store, which is very atmospheric, and the museum’s Deputy Director of Public Programs, Peter West, has kindly  promised to lend us some large models of mega-fauna (giant prehistoric wombats etc) to make it even more interesting.

Bonnie, Sarahbell, me, Ella and Sabine

Here’s a pic of Bonnie, Sarahbell, Ella and Sabine. Bonnie and Ella’s mother Annette Downs is going to do the launch, and the two girls are going to help. They are (as far as I know) the first Tasmanian children to read the book.

5 thoughts on “Museum of Thieves launch

  1. Evancho says:

    Love to read such things, they always interest me and usually I have a question: why?

  2. Victória Malentachi says:

    I want this book to be sold in Brazil 🙁

  3. Lian says:

    Me too, Victoria!

  4. Finlay says:


    Ella, Sarah Bell and Bonny, are my friends from school, (I wont say name of school for obvious reasons!!) you came to our school the other day, It was great seeing you, Im starting to write a book too from listning to you.

    Thanks for coming, and the lauch sounds great!!

    Finlay, 🙂 ♥♥

    1. Lian says:

      Hi Finlay, thanks for your message. I really enjoyed my visit to your school, and I’m pleased to hear that you are starting to write a book. Remember to have fun doing it!

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