Path of Beasts – the Hobart launch
October 18th, 2012
We had a brilliant launch of Path of Beasts last Sunday morning in the Baha’i Centre. So far I’ve only got a few photos, but I’ll put those up now, and next week I should be able to put up a highlights video.
We had some gorgeous costumes, a wonderful Path of Beasts guard of honour, and a surprising mystery guest.
He was very well behaved at first, but then we asked him to pick the winner of the lucky door prize ...
I am the girl who dressed up as Goldie No – one who has a picture on this page.
I just was going to say that the launch was absolutely awesome!
Lian was great!
Broo was brilliant except the fact that he ate the tickets!!!!
Lots of Love,
Hello Soph, good to hear from you. Wasn’t it a good launch – I really enjoyed it. I agree that Broo was brilliant – and I thought it was really funny when he ate the tickets. I like the photo of you as Goldie No One, too.
I wish I’d gone! It looks better than ever, and Broo was there, the cute and hungry little thing. Are we dressing up at the launceston launch? Even though I know we won’t, I decided to ask, in case I’m wrong. Oh, and I envy you Sophie! My jealousy is enourmous! You are sooooooooooooo lucky!
love Lily! π
We’re making masks at the Launceston launch, which will be fun. We could have dressed up, but I didn’t think of it in time.
Hi Lian Tanner
I am a student at Lauderdale Primary School. I have read all of your books. I was at the Path Of Beasts launch. And I am your FATHER!!!
Woops. Sorry. Got a bit carried away. Anyways, I love the originality of your characters and their development. I finished Path Of Beasts on the same day I won it.(from the lucky Door Prize) My ticket must have been very close to the tongue of a very well-known canine with an appetite for paper. π
I liked the Path Of Beasts. One of my favourite bits was absurdity of having a small cat and some sofas as the only protection for the Museum of Dunt.
I’d like to join a group for young writers, do you know of any? I have an idea for a book but I can’t seem to get it to translate onto paper. My Mum is very lovely and nice. She smells like perfume and cheese. I like cheese do you like cheese cheese is wonderful cheese makes the world go round… (just releasing the tension of writing to such a good author)
My Mum (the perfume and cheese smelling one)(not like I have more than one) reckons I need a writing mentor to help me draw out my writing abilities in ways other than writing to authors about cheese.
Do you have any ideas?
From Edan
P.S Is this the longest post you’ve ever had on your blog?
P.P.S Or just the cheesiest? π
Hi Edan, I remember you from the launch – and am still laughing over your post. DEFINITELY the cheesiest. π Your idea about a group for young writers is an interesting one. I don’t know of any existing ones, but let me think about it for a bit. I know several other people who might be interested in joining one – though it would have to be email based (or maybe skype etc) rather than face to face, because the people I’m thinking about are scattered all over the world.
As for mentors, it’s not a bad idea, but I suspect a writing group might be better, at this stage of your life. IMO, the best thing for you to be doing at the moment is reading lots (which I gather you do), writing lots, and experimenting with different forms – plays, journalism, poetry, short stories etc. Also serious writing, fantasy, sci-fi, comedy. Wild playfulness is an excellent thing, and it seems to me you have plenty of it. Exploring playfully is how a writer finds and develops their voice, which is not always an easy thing to do.
I’m off to Launceston this morning, but I’ll get back to you about the young writers group. And if anyone else who reads this is interested in joining such a group, leave a message.
I couldn’t stop laughing! I love cheese . . . Oh, and I would DEFINETELY like to be in a writers group. THat would be amazing. By the way, I’m squmping at the moment. (Squealing + jumping = squmping :D)
Woo-Hoooooo! Got 10 out of 10 in the quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The launceston launch was great, I loved it! I cannot beleive I got to talk! And you read that so wonderfully that I was convinced I was there myself, witnessing the scene. Did you like the prailene? I’m sorry I had to go, but rules are strict with acting, and I have a big role, so I had to go to atleast an hour of it. π I love you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You were so nice, (not surprisingly) also so enthusiastic and kind, and gentle . . . and a great eye for poster-putting-up ;D!
Love from Lily! π
The pralines are (scrunch mmmph glubble chomp chomp) REALLY nice, Lily. Thank you so much for them. And I know that rules are strict with acting – you have to be very professional, so I understood about you having to go. And of COURSE I am nice!!!!!!! π π
I’d never doubt it for a second! π
Love Lily!
I love writing stories, and I’m always collecting ideas for new stories! I constantly try to practice various writing skills. (My teacher calls me a grammer-nazi!) In a couple of years, when I go to college, I want to get some kind of degree in that field. I’m not sure if there’s an age limit to the writing group (considering I am only 15), but I would be interested in helping any way I can! π Of course, I agree it would have to be by e-mail considering I’m American. If you don’t need me for the group, it’s Ok, love your books anyways! π
Join the grammar-nazi club, Dillon. I’m one too. π I suspect you’re a little old for the writing group – both the other people are grade 5/6 – but I’ll keep you in mind if any older kids are interested. It’s really just a matter of me putting people in touch with each other, and them making of it what they want to. But definitely would be nice to have something widespread geographically – broad horizons are always a good thing.
By the way, I couldn’t stop laughing when I read that Broo ate the tickets! π
Me too. It was the best moment of the launch.
Awe, that is so cute and funny that the dog ate some of the tickets! It looks like it was a lot of fun. Also the guard of honor is a cute touch! Hope the next launches go great!
The Launceston launch is done now, Hannah – that was last Saturday. Now I’m off to Sydney and Brisbane for a couple of days to talk in schools. And you were right – as was Lily. The Hobart launch was both spectacular and a lot of fun. π
You should come to the US for a launch. That would be so cool if you could! And I hope the next few launches go good. π
That would be fun, wouldn’t it Hannah. Then I’d get to meet you and some of my other US readers. But there are no plans for it this year, unfortunately. π
Too bad. π