Extension to competition deadline
July 20th, 2014
I’ve decided to extend the deadline for the competition to Sunday August 3rd. So if you didn’t think you’d have enough time to enter, you’ve now got a couple more weeks.
We’ve had three entries so far, and the standard is high! It’s pretty exciting seeing what people are coming up with and wondering what else is going to arrive in my inbox. And then, of course, I have to judge them, which is the hardest part – for me, at least.
Meanwhile I’m working away at the first draft of Fetcher, trying to make sense of WHY people do the things they do. It’s not always straightforward – sometimes people say they’re doing something for a reason, but you know they’ve got another secret reason underneath. Aaah, secrets! That’s what this series is all about!
Not much news this week, so Harry has requested that I post some supermodel pictures from his most recent photo shoot. He claims that he was advertising bedding for a well-known department store – I’m not at all sure that he’s telling the truth! Judge for yourselves. 🙂
Thanks Lian!
Ha ha! You must look really cute Harry! Hope your dreams soar high!
Io 🙂
Looking good Lian, I reckon with this new deadline, more people will enter because they will have more time.
Elena 🙂
P.S Harry = Adorable
I see you’ve added the photos now, Lian! Very cute! Go get those model agencies Harry! They will LOVE you!
Io 🙂
P.S. Nearly finished with my entry! 🙂
He’s pretty gorgeous, isn’t he. I’m sure he has a great career ahead of him. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your entry, Io!
Thx Lian! 😀
If you want, Harry, I know some model agencies (a.k.a. my little sister’s modeling agency) and I could call them to see if they’re interested! 😛
Io, Harry is so excited about your offer. He is putting together his portfolio as I type this! I’ve told him not to get his hopes up too high – there must be a thousand handsome boys all trying for the same agencies. But then again, he’s got a certain je ne sais quoi. 😉
Ha ha! Eh bien, nous allons découvrir son talent tôt ou tard! 😉 J’espère que vous ces images me surprendre! Je suis à la recherche pour le look.
Je ferai en sorte que vous obtenez de première classe dans l’avion! Gabi a un bon oeil et a beaucoup de connexions avec des gens élevés dans la chaîne sociale. Bonne chance!
Il ya beaucoup de beaux garçons et de belles filles nous interviewer, mais avec les photos que j’ai vu, je pense que vous avez une chance!
Io 🙂
Io, I am so impressed with your French! Many years ago, when I was in my thirties, I hitchhiked around France (dangerous, I know, but I survived), and at that stage my French was quite good. Now however it is very rusty. However I was pleased to see that I could work out what you said and translate it for Harry, who is looking forward immensely to the first class travel. He is also brushing up on his French verbs. Can you hear him in the background?
‘Je suis beau. Tu n’es pas aussi beau que moi. Il n’est pas aussi beau que moi …’
Oh, thank you! I’m learning french at school so it’s pretty easy. Yes, of course you are beautiful Harry! I’m not as nice as you? It is not as beautiful as you? Ha ha, I think this is getting to your head Harry, is it not?
Eh bien, bonne chance à tous les candidats participant au concours (modélisation ou de faire la bande-annonce de livre)! Peuvent être les chances jamais en votre faveur!
TRANSLATION: Well, good luck to all the contestants entering the competition (modelling or making the book trailer)! May the odds be ever in your favour!