The ducks come to visit

October 18th, 2021

I used to have chooks, which was really helpful when I was doing research for A Clue for Clara. But I’ve never had ducks.

Luckily, there are dozens of them living on the canal just around the corner from my house. And every now and again, the ducks come to visit. Last week they wandered into my front garden, looking for snails and other treats.

This was nice for several reasons:

1. I don’t have a cat at the moment, so visits from random birds and animals are always welcome.

2. They make me laugh, because they always look so serious.

3. Southern Tasmania is currently in lockdown, so visits from random birds and animals are extra welcome.

4. Research for Rita’s Revenge!

There are also baby lapwings around. And baby native hens. And young bandicoots.

So it’s a really nice time of year here.

Other news:

Last weekend was the Hobart Writers Festival. I was reading from A Clue for Clara in Parliament Gardens, and these two came dressed as Olive and Clara. Don’t they look wonderful?

This really is the height of delight for an author, having people dress up as your characters. It always makes me happy.

What am I reading?

Welcome to Consent: how to say no, when to say yes and everything in between, by Yumi Stynes and Doctor Melissa Kang.

This is an absolutely brilliant book and I wish it had been around when I was a kid/teen. So much important and useful stuff about boundaries – what they are and how to set them.

Highly recommended.

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