The ‘Sunker’s Deep’ cover is here!

August 5th, 2014

This is to keep you entertained while I ponder the competition entries. πŸ™‚ The cover for Book 2: Sunker’s Deep is here at last. What do you think?


Sunker's Deep

0 thoughts on “The ‘Sunker’s Deep’ cover is here!

  1. Io says:

    OMG!!! THAT IS JUST BEAUTIFUL! Well Lian, with that kind of cover, we all already know how you’r writing is going to be like! Well done Sebastian Ciaffaglione! The best one yet!


    1. Lian says:

      I’m glad you like it, Io. I think it’s pretty wonderful too! It’s so nice to be able to show everyone at last. πŸ™‚

  2. Hugh says:

    I think that looks great lian I am still waiting on reading the keepers last book path of beasts and after I have read that I will be reading icebreaker then by the time I have finished those two the second book should be out in stores and in the school. Many thanks.

    Hugh Miller

    1. Lian says:

      I think this particular cover is going to be a winner, Hugh. Everyone who’s seen it seems to like it so far. I hope you manage to get hold of Path of Beasts soon, so you can get started on the Hidden series!

  3. Nuttie says:

    Its magnificent! It looks like its wanting to start reading to you! Can’t wait till it comes out!! πŸ˜€

    1. Lian says:

      Me too, Nuttie. And the poster is on its way!

  4. Whitney says:

    I live in New Zealand and I am such a big fan of yours! i’ve read all your books and enjoyed every singke word! I finished Ice Break quite a while ago and was wondering when Sunker Deep was coming out. Please reply as soon as possible!

    1. Lian says:

      Hi Whitney, how nice to hear from one of my New Zealand readers! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the books. Sunker’s Deep will be out on November 1st.

      1. Whitney says:

        Wow! What a coincidence! My birthday is on November 1st

        1. Lian says:

          That’s very timely, Whitney. I hope you’re putting in an order for Sunker’s Deep? πŸ˜‰

          1. Whitney says:

            No actually, how could I order it?

          2. Lian says:

            I think you could probably phone your nearest good bookshop and ask them. They’d know exactly when it was coming in, and get you one of the first copies. Especially if you told them it was your birthday!

  5. Elisheva says:

    Ms. Tanner,
    Hi! I live in America and I only recently discovered your works. They are amazing! I have read the entire Keepers trilogy and will definitely be rereading them in the future. I hadn’t heard of the Hidden series until today, actually, so I am currently in the process of searching for them.
    Question: Would you ever consider writing for the young adult audience? Not that I don’t adore your Keepers trilogy, and probably the Hidden series too. But I think that you could use your voice for older children as well, as in, writing with the same amount of action and detail, but with a slightly deeper emotional side. Just a thought.

    1. Lian says:

      Hi Elisheva, so nice to hear from you, and thanks for saying such complimentary things about the Keepers trilogy. The Hidden series isn’t published in the US yet – the first book Icebreaker will be coming out next year, I think in August. So keep your eyes open!

      It’s an interesting question about writing for YA. I have thought about it, because I could do things with YA that I can’t do with middle grade and, as you say, the emotional stuff could be explored more. At the moment however my hands are full finishing the Hidden series, and I’ve got a fair idea what I’ll write next, which is another middle grade series. But in the future? Who knows? Thanks for the suggestion – maybe it’ll prompt me to think about YA a bit more seriously!

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