Launch pics

October 4th, 2011

I’ve found some more good pics of the launch, and here they are. Thanks to Sheryl Gwyther and Mark Fitzpatrick for taking them. Video still to come!

Eva Mills from Allen & Unwin

Me and MC Essie Kruckemeyer

The unmasking of the 'Big Book'!

Signing books - note the cool blue mask

13 thoughts on “Launch pics

  1. Gay McKinnon says:

    Fabulous launch – it was great to see so many children enjoying the books and coming in character!

    1. Lian says:

      It was good, wasn’t it. And some of the home-made masks were so gorgeous. Especially yours with the two faces of Broo, which I brought home with me! BTW, Gay, I just had a look at your blog and had to laugh when I saw the bit about daylight saving. I was sure that everyone would forget to turn their clocks back, and arrive just as the launch was finishing. πŸ™‚

  2. It was a lovely launch, Lian. So glad you had a wonderful time too. I’m thrilled you’ve been able to use my pictures on your webpage πŸ™‚

  3. Kaela says:

    I got the book at about 3:15pm today and I had read it by about 6:39pm! it was sooooooo good!!

    1. Lian says:

      Kaela, you are SUCH a fast reader! Thanks for letting me know that you liked it.

      1. Kaela says:

        and I just finished re-reading it!

  4. Roan says:

    GAWD! I wish I was there!! >_<

    1. Lian says:

      πŸ™‚ You would’ve enjoyed it!

  5. Mia says:

    /:-( that was my jelosy face, i am SO jealous right now, im practically dripping envy alll over the floor..

  6. Hannah says:

    The launch looks like it went very well and looked like a lot of fun!

  7. Mia says:

    Im literally dripping with envy right now.
    ~maid comes in and starts mopping the floors with a blueih liquid~

    1. Lian says:

      πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ You’re making me laugh, Mia.

  8. Mia says:

    OMG i didnt realize i basically wrote that twice… srry. πŸ™‚

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