New bookplates!

September 23rd, 2018

I’ve been wanting some new bookplates for a while, mainly because the two lots I’ve got are for specific trilogies. And I wanted something more general that would encompass everything I’m writing, which now includes picture books (and other secret projects).

So I commissioned Sher Rill Ng, the artist who did the brilliant covers for the Rogues trilogy, to design something. And this is what she came up with.


Isn’t it beautiful? I’m going to order them today, so it’ll be a while before they are available. But if you’d like one (or two or three), leave a message on this post, and I’ll be in touch.

If you’re not a follower of my Facebook page, you might not know that my new website is live. (Actually, given how miserly Facebook is these days about distributing posts, you might not know even if you do follow my page.) The new site has been in the works for about a year, designed by the very patient Jin Wang, who specialises in author sites. It took so long because I changed my mind endless times about what I wanted it to look like, and because I wanted to be able to do all the updating myself, which I suspect meant a lot of extra work for Jin.

It’s still not quite finished – I think the main thing now is to get the blog/newsletter subscriptions linked to the free story. That should happen this week. If you’re already a subscriber, your story should arrive in an email.

You don’t get quite the same effect on a phone, so if you haven’t already, check it out on a tablet/laptop/desktop.

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