The Keepers trilogy
September 6th, 2010
Welcome to my new website, and my new blog! It’s called ‘What’s on my desk and on my mind’, because I want to use it to put up news about the books (What’s on my desk), as well as discuss stuff, like ‘Why do people like brizzlehounds so much?’ (What’s on my mind).
So let’s start with news about the books. The ARC (advance readers’ copy) of Museum of Thieves has been doing the rounds in both the USA and Australia, and the book itself is being published at the end of this month. In Australia it comes out on the 27th, in the US on the 28th. It’s coming out soon in India too, but I’m not sure exactly when. To my surprise I discovered the other day that it has already been published in Germany, by a company called Arena Verlag, under the title Museum der Diebe. Apparently it has nearly sold out its first print run, and they are about to reprint it, which is good news.
Speaking of brizzlehounds, here’s a picture drawn by the amazing Sebastian Ciaffaglione, a Melbourne artist who specialises in book covers and illustration. He did the very beautiful cover for the Australian edition of Museum, as well as the pictures of the characters. If you look at the frame on my website, you’ll see that the brizzlehound is built into it, because I like the picture so much.
So, with Museum about to come into the shops, I’ve just finished the second book in the trilogy, City of Lies, and started on the third book, Path of Beasts. There’s still stuff to do to City, of course, including the copy-edit. And I have to do descriptions of the different characters so that Sebastian can work his magic again. I’m really looking forward to seeing what he comes up with.
Hello Lian
I loved this book – you might like to read the comments on my blog.
Can’t wait for the next in the series. I have read some terrific reviews of Museum of Thieves especailly in some recent Specialist bookshop Christmas shopping brochures.
Well done a great first novel.
Thanks Momo. Yes, I just saw your blog. Many thanks for such a terrific review. And I too love the book ‘Momo’! I haven’t read ‘Fearless’, but shall look out for it.
I think you should make a 4th book! I loved it so much, it was the first book I finished in a week! MAKE A 4TH BOOK!!!!!!
Hi Emma, glad you enjoyed the book so much. There’s not a fourth book in the offing at the moment, but ‘Ice Breaker’ will be out later this year, and if you enjoyed Goldie’s adventures, I suspect you will love Petrel and her story.
Hi lian! I LOVE the Keepers books, I love those sort of books that you can pick up and then can’t put it down! My fav person is Taospit. I love the chapter when sinew makes toatspi and goldie talk in fingertalk! so funny.
Hi Fabia! What nice comments – I’m so glad you liked it. And I think we must share a sense of humour. That bit with the fingertalk is one of my favourites too.
thanks lian sorry about the spelling errors, I was in a rush.
Hi Lian. I haven’t finished reading The Keepers yet but it is very interesting from what I have read to far. It is a fantastic book and is very interesting. I can’t wait for the next book in the series to come out. My Aunty sent it to me from Tasmania and I am going down these holidays so I have will have to thank her for sending this wonderful book to me. What I love most about this book is that I have no idea what is going to happen next but I know that it will lead to something exciting and interesting. Please keep writing these great books so that I have something good to read π
Hi Claire, what a nice aunty you have! I wonder if she came to the launch at the museum. I’m really glad that you’re enjoying the book, and I will definitely keep writing them – though I’m on holiday at the moment, loafing around, swimming, reading etc. Hope you have a terrific holiday in Tassie.
Thank you very much. I have just finished reading the book and I absolutely loved it. It has a lot of action at the end. I love how well you described because I can imagine what’s actually happening. Enjoy your holiday and I hope the next book is as good as the first one.
G’day Lian, I absolutely adore your book! I cant wait for city of lies to come out! Last night, I read the book for about three hours then my parents said i had to go to sleep. But, I got up really early so I could finish it before I got to school and that time was 5:00 in the morning! Well, i’m still happy about it. I love the way you described eveything and the plot was so clever! I will have to recommend this to my freinds. I cant believe that youre gonna reply to me! I mean im actually TALKING to the author of my FAVOURITE book!
Hi Anita, isn’t it horrible when the need to sleep interferes with reading! I’m dreadfully impressed that you got up so early to finish it – hope you didn’t fall asleep during class. I’m glad you liked it and thanks for letting me know. If it is nice for you to talk to the author, it is also really nice for me to talk to my readers.
Hi Lian, I didnt fall asleep during class, but I nearly did though! Thankyou for replying to my comment. I am going to re-read the book over and over again! I hope that I can read The City of Lies when it comes out. I cant wait!
Only eight months to go! (I’m impatient too.)
Hi Lian uhm I was wondering when is the next sequel will be release ,sorry i just cant wait i really love the story its Great! i mean awesome awesome and great ! π
Hello Raiin, City of Lies will be out at the end of September. It seems like such a long time to wait, doesn’t it? I’m really glad that you’re looking forward to it so much. (I particularly liked the double awesome. π )
oh so many thanks Lian cant really wait been thinking for it every hours now every day so little patience so many times π
my favourite part was when Olga told us bout being quick in eye and hand is a Gift and never used to harm and/or betray others π
Yes, I rather like that bit too. I think Olga Ciavolga has a lot of wisdom!
oh and awesome very great quotes by the way Lian
Ill keep in touch for the next sequel
-thanks ! π
Only One more month to go ! π let the count down begin !
I received an advance copy from the Australian publishers last week, Raiin. It looks so beautiful.
Hi Lian! π I’ve just got the New Book & I do enjoy the design its really Great! cant wait to read it tonight π many Thanks Lian
I love it soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Hmm. I guess that means you liked it, then. π
Hello Lian, me and my friend love your books heaps, and often talk about them and what we think will happen next.
We love how everything made sense in the book, even though we find it impossible to describe to others. Whenever I have a spare 5 minutes in class, she will describe the characters for me to draw, and now we have a collection.
I’m so glad you wrote them, and I love the cover (Australian) as well.
Oh Hannah, I love the Australian cover too! I love the old look of it, and the way you feel as if you’re peeping through a keyhole into a mysterious place. The paperback cover, which is coming out soon, will be slightly different, but it is really nice too.
I’m glad you thought that everything eventually made sense. But it is hard to describe, even for me. People ask me what the book is about and I say, ‘Er – um – well, there’s a girl called Goldie …’ I guess if I could say it all in a paragraph I wouldn’t have had to write the book. π
Any chance of me getting to see these pictures you’ve drawn? I’d love to see them!
Hi Lian!
I love your book, the museum of thieves. I was so excited when my library ordered the book for me. But then another borrowed it and I had to wait for two weeks until she had finished reading it, in that two weeks, it was torture without the book — that’s how much I love it.
Hi Kimberley, isn’t that frustrating when you have to wait for a library book! But I’m glad you got it in the end, and VERY glad you liked it so much.
I was wondering (since you are Australian), if you would come and visit me school, our librarian would love to have you there, it’s been so long since our school has someone famous come and visit.
What a nice invitation, Kimberley. Whereabouts are you? Which state? Also, ask your librarian if she would like one of my new signed bookplates for the library copy of Museum of Thieves. You’ll find more about them here.
I’m In New South Wales. My school is Bonnyrigg High School, we have alot of dedicated readers and writers here.
Why don’t you email me?
My librarian will love the bookplates, she’ll be so excited if you come.
I love the first book and was wandering when the next book is coming out?
Hi. I love your book [The Keepers] and the wait for the second one is unbearable! Can not wait to read the next one. I think I will have to reread the first one cos I have read so many other books while waiting for your second one. Cant wait till its published! Georgia.
Hi Georgia, I know what you mean – I often go back and re-read the first book in a series when the second one comes out. It kind of makes the second one more satisfying, doesn’t it. Luckily it’s really not ALL that long till the next one is in the shops. Three months! I can’t wait either. π
I totally loved your book.I just read the summary in the shop and i knew it would be the type of book i’d love to read-unpredictable and impossible to put’re in my top 5 list at the 2nd position.
I’m writing something too and its just going to finish.Can you give me some tips? it would be fabulous!:)
Hello Alfiya, thanks for your message. I am totally honoured to be number 2 on your top five list! And glad to hear you are another author.
As for tips, my first tip would be read read read – because this is the way you learn the rules of story, and absorb good writing, and find out what works and what doesn’t. Besides, you can’t be a writer without being a reader (although some people try!).
My second tip would be write write write – because writing is like tennis, you have to practise it to get good at it. And don’t just write one sort of thing, even if you’re sure that you KNOW what sort of author you want to be. Experiment. Try writing some poems, or a short play. Write a fantasy story, then a realistic one. Write an article for the newspaper and another one for a magazine. This sort of experimenting will build your writing muscles and help you develop your own writing voice. And you might find that your interest lies somewhere unexpected!
Have a look here for some of the writing tips I have given other people, then get back to me if there’s something extra you would like to ask. I’m happy to answer, but it’s easier for me if you have a more specific question.
Best of luck with the piece you are working on!
And thank YOU Lian, for replying.Please tell my mother that you want me to read more.I love reading.I read practically everytime-while eating, during lunch breaks- ALL the time when i’m not studying, day-dreaming or playing.Mum liked it at first but now, she’s fed up with my habit.She locked my story book cupboard but then I started issuing books from the school library… and she opened the cupboard once again.there are 2 books I’d like u to read:Canadian Summer,by Hilda Van Stokholm and The Book Of Time (a fully released triology) by G. Prevost.
As for writing, I started writing poems from when I was 9. I was delighted when our classteacher liked one of them.I like younger bother hates it.I dont know why he does so.i’ve written a two page fantasy story.(cinderella – with lots of twists.)I dont quite like play’s-reading or writing.when I told Mum that I wanted to write, she told me to act my own age.but I dont think 12 is too young to write, is it?
the tips you’ve given others are very good.I’d particularly like to know what you actually have done with those felt-tip might help me.(the place where u tell that creativity makes mess.)i have some things that are bothering me.The general out line is finished, but to write it, I dont know which point of view I should use to narrate.I dont want to use first person, because it wont show the story like i want it, but its certainly is easy.
secondly, I wanted to ask you that how do you describe everything sooo well.It feels as if a movie is running in my head.
And yeah, I almost forgot,when is the City Of Lies coming out in India? I’m waiting desperately for it to release.
do answer all my questions and tnx once again.
Dear Alfiya, I have put the first Book of Time on hold at the library. Thanks for recommending it – I do like getting book recommendations! As for your reading, you sound very much like I was at your age. I obviously didn’t need to tell you to read read read! π And no, I don’t think that 12 is too young to write.
However your mother is also right, in that you must LIVE life, and not just read about it. I didn’t realise this when I was 12, but I do now. You see, I have discovered that you need to know a lot about life to be a good writer. You need to observe people, and observe yourself, and open your senses to the world. THAT is how you come to write good descriptions.
It’s a useful exercise to sit outside somewhere for ten minutes or so and write down everything that you can hear, smell, taste and feel. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar or proper sentences – just try to capture as much of it as possible. We humans tend to over-use our eyes, so it’s important to practise using our other senses whenever we can.
But as well as using your senses, you must also use your brain and your emotions. To be a writer, you must think deeply about why people behave the way they do, and try to understand them – even people you dislike. You must try and understand yourself too – which is not always easy! You must listen to the way people speak and watch how they walk, and see what they do when they are happy or sad or frightened. You must put yourself in their shoes. Only then will you be able to write convincing characters. It is all research, you see! So don’t forget this, when your mother wants you to do something other than reading. She may not realise it, but she is sending you off to do research. π
Now for your other questions. I use felt-tip pens and big sheets of paper when I am stuck. I mostly use them for brainstorming – for example if I can’t work out how Goldie is going to rescue someone, I’ll get out a sheet of paper and give myself ten or fifteen minutes, and scribble down as many ideas as I can in that time, as to how she might do it. Some of these ideas will be really silly, but I don’t judge them, I write down EVERYTHING. This can be a really good way of getting the answer to something. I like using different coloured pens and lots of arrows and circles as well, to inspire me. Sometimes too I use this method to find out more about a character, what sort of things they like, and what they hate, and where they came from etc. Again, the important thing is to not judge, but to write down everything. Then, when you’ve finished, you can sort through the ideas for the useful ones.
Point of view can be tricky. I’m not mad on first person, though as you say it can be easier to write. Why don’t you try writing a small bit of the story from one person’s point of view, and then try it from someone else’s? Sometimes you have to experiment like this to find out which is best.
And City of Lies is coming out in India in January – a bit later than Australia and the US, I’m afraid. I do hope you can wait till then!
I really liked your book and am wondering when the next one is coming out in Australia, sometimes it says that it’s coming out in october, and other times in September. please please please tell me the proper date!!!!
Hello Clara, It’s kind of both September AND October. π The official release date in Australia is October 1st, but the shops will probably have it from about September 26th onward. At least that’s what happened with book 1, and I think it’s the same this year. But definitely no later than Oct 1st!
i am so excited to read your new book i have been waiting and now its so close =) i love everything about your book museum of thieves!!!! you are an amazing author and my favourite =D
also do you have any idea how much the new book will cost?
In Australia the book is AUS$22.99. In the US it’s US$17.99. Are you in one of those places or somewhere else altogether?
yes im in Australia and thank you so much =) and im really glad your book is coming out October because im going on a long holiday and have nothing to read until the 1st!!!!! im so excited =D
Well I think it should be a good holiday book, Janaya. Happy reading!
thank you so much!!!!
oh Yes Lian I’m really really curious/excited for the new Book. given few more hours to go! π
I’m also working as a designer and really curious about the new layout of the book double cheers!
Hi Raiin, I think you’ll like the design. Both Australian and US books look really good.
Very lovely! I have seen the advertisement cover of the book in this site (I think). I cant really wait I’ve checked the bookstore today & I forgot It’ll be released here tomorrow ( I was that closed) π 18 more hours to go!
TOMORROW i thought it was not untill saturday?
Different shops probably get it at different times, Janaya. I know my favourite Hobart bookshop already has it.
Yes & also the bookshop here on Shepparton told me last tuesday that they will release it on october 1st, but I got it today ( lucky ) haha π
Glad to hear you got it so quickly, Raiin. Happy reading!
Hi Lian
sorry I’ve been very busy this past few months looking for work How’s it going? I have seen the cover for the last book and it’s really awesoME !! Great Illustrations I can’t wait for the last Arc I hope someone can Make a Movie of your Book! It will be a BANG! π
P.S. Thanks for the Birthday Greet!
Hi Raiin, good to hear from you again. Hope you’ve been managing to get sufficient work. I agree about the cover for the last book – it’s utterly beautiful. I am in awe of Jon Foster’s work, he is such a gorgeous illustrator and does such strange and effective things with angle and perspective. I agree about the movie too! No nibbles yet, but I live in hope. π P.S. Just had a look at your very beautiful website. I love the designs you have done!
Hi Lian,
I have read the two books in your series and they are fantastic!
I am really looking forward to the third one!
Just want to say you have a really good talent to writing and
are so lucky to have your books published.
Hi Katherine, thanks for the nice message – I love hearing back from people who have read the books. It’s a long wait till the third one, I’m afraid – I’m just doing the edit for it now.
thanks is a short word for all yor advice, Lian. it must have taken a lot of time writig so long reply’s but its fun reading what you write back. thanks again for being sooo helpful. and if the city of lies is releasing in Jan, it really will be a long restless wait!!!
thanks a lot again π
Hi Lian,
I just want to say . . . I LOVE YOUR BOOK! I can’t wait for the second one! I have to ask, what is a date that’s round about when the second book comes out?
Hi Lil Cookie, Thanks so much for your message. The second book has been out in Australia and the US since the beginning of October. It’s coming out in India in early Feb – so it depends where you are, I guess. But it’s certainly available online right now! I hope you can get hold of a copy.
Hey, Lian! Your books are amazing! I got Museum of Theives and the City of Lies for Christmas and I’m already done with them!
My teacher has a poster in her room that says “You know you’ve read a good book if when you finish it, it feels as if you’ve lost a friend.” That is exactly what I felt!
If I may ask, what is the name of the third book and when is it coming out?
Oh! Sorry! I meant when is it coming out in the US!
again, Lian, SORRY!
It actually comes out in Australia and in the US at the same time.
Hi Maria, I’m so glad you liked the first two books, and I love your teacher’s sign. I know exactly what she means by it, and am feeling very proud that my books made you feel like that. The third book is Path of Beasts and it will be out in the US at the end of September 2012. So roughly nine months to go. If you want to keep an eye on this website, I’ll be posting a few teasers, like the book covers and some of the characters closer to publication time.
Hi Lian!
Me and my class are big fans we read your books in class!
Sadly we couldn’t read the third one because it is not out but oh well. I have both your books and I think Goldie Roth is terrific! They should make a movie!!!:) Just one question that has been going around class for a while:do you know when the third book : path of beasts is coming out?
Big fan!!
Hi JJ, thanks for your very nice message, and I’m glad to hear you’ve been reading the books in class. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a movie (or three)? Maybe one day it will happen. The third book, Path of Beasts, is coming out at the end of September. Just a bit over 8 months away. It seems like such a long time, but I’m sure it will go quickly. I hope you and your classmates have found the wonderful games here and here on the publishers’ websites, as well as the other extras. Did you enjoy Pounce’s recipe for rat stew?
My friends and i have started a book club and your book The Keepers is the first seiries we’re reading. I absoulotly love the Museum of Theives and now we’re just starting the second book.
My favourite part of the Museum of Theives is when Broo The Brizzlehound says ‘fine i wont kill them i’ll just through them around a little then put them down so they’ll run away” (it wasn’t exatly like that but that is what i remember) i like that line because i have a picture in my head of Broo jerking them around crazily.
bye π
Hi Maeve, I’m sitting here feeling very honoured that my books are the first series in your book club! What a nice thing. I hope you really enjoy reading them and discussing them.
Hi! My name is Mae Claire. I just finished reading the City of Lies. I devour book after book and look for the best. Not all books are the best, and I’ll tell you straight out I am not any easy judge. I devoured your first two books in less then two days. I hope the next book will come out soon! I hope it will at least…
Hello Mae Claire, how nice to hear from you. It sounds as if you are as keen a reader as I am. Devouring books is exactly what it’s like, isn’t it! I’m very pleased to hear that you liked both of my books. The third one will be out at the end of September – seven months to go!
Hi Lian!I just finished the museum of thieves and I thought it was fabulous!
I was just wondering,how did you come up with the idea of the book?
Hi Charlotte, thanks for your message. ‘Fabulous’ is very nice. π The idea for the first book in the trilogy came from two places. One was an article that I read years ago about the Hermitage Museum in Russia, which is enormous (though I don’t think the rooms move around). The other was a kid who used to live in my street, who was very overprotected by his parents, and hardly allowed to do anything. At some stage, those two ideas sort of bumped up against each other, and turned into the book.
I loved your book! I stayed up all night just to finish! And I gotta say it, I’m jealous of Goldie! I meam, come on, she can turn pretty much invisible to the untrained eye, pick locks, escape from just about anywhere! I’m really looking forward to reading City of Lies and eventually Path of Beasts! π
Hi Candace, thanks for the message. Hope you’re managing to catch up with your sleep today. π I confess that I’m a bit jealous of Goldie too. I sit at my desk trying so hard to Imitate Nothingness …
hey just wanted to say hi you did an amazing job on the keepers I had gotten it ages ago and never got around to reading it but now that Ive read it I love it your descriptive writing is beautiful love the book thanks
Thanks Maegan, it’s lovely to hear from you. I guess you’ve got one of those to-read piles, like I have!
Hey Lian!!!
So, this is your first blog page . . . No doubt, you are extremely famous.
Love Lily!!
you write the best books ever i love them so much i pretend to be Goldie all the time. I love how you made the book just so.. good. its awesome how we have great authors like you π
Hi Kennady, lovely to hear from you! And thanks so much for your really nice comments. I’m really glad you like Goldie so much. Did you know that I’m about to run a dress-up competition? I’m going to put the details up later today, so if you go to my latest blog post you’ll hopefully find more information. You can see some of the first dress-ups here.
hi lian im up to the 2nd book and im up to were pounce is telling
goldie,toadspit and bonnie how to get back to
jewel and i want to know when princess frisia and the slomberking are come’n in.
my favorite charicter is pounce i’m kind’a like im
plus ive bin wonder’in if that cat that folows goldie around is a rea idlecat?
P.S. im a story writter too and i writ a story called ones apon a time and its got’a lot of adventure in it too.
Hi bj, good to hear from another story writer! I think you’ll find that the slommerkin and Princess Frisia will both turn up fairly soon – though not at the same time. π I’m glad you like Pounce – I do too, which is why he’s in the third book as well. There’s something very appealing about him, and about the lengths he’ll go to to survive and look after his friend Mouse.
You asked about the cat. It is not a real idlecat – real idlecats are HUGE. It is, however, descended from an idlecat, which is probably why it can talk a little, and why it is so clever and fierce.
Thanks for the reply!
I am amazed at your creativity and good choice about bringing pounce back
I found out about you when my mum came back from melborn with 2 books
At first i thought that they would be bad because i only red emily roddas books
But i was totally wrong and now your my top 3 list on 3rd was nazam anhars dragon hunter on 2nd was emily roddas……everything and on 1st was you and your amazing heart stoping stunnning series of the keepers books
And i forgot to menshon about harrow and his second in comand……… i totally forgot his name
I am very honoured, bj, to be so high on your list of favourite books! And I’m not surprised you like Emily Rodda so much – her books are terrific. I haven’t read Dragon Hunter, but will give it a try.
I wonder if you would be interested in our new competition – you can see the details here. There are some good prizes!
wow i was just reading my second keepers book when i found out flence was [REST OF COMMENT HIDDEN BECAUSE OF SPOILERS]
Bj, I cut the end of your comment off because there are people who visit this website who haven’t yet read the second book, and I don’t want them to know SOME PARTICULAR SECRETS in advance. (Shhhhhh!) π
sorry about that lian i was surprised and goldie got a ??? ??? just by the first song
That’s okay, bj – I’m just pleased that you got such a surprise. π
guess what lian i finally finished the 2 keepers books so where do you get the thrird book at an airport or something
Your local bookshop should have it, bj. If they haven’t, ask them to get it in for you. It’s only just been published, so they should be able to get it very easily. Tell them it’s Path of Beasts, Book 3 in the Keepers trilogy, by Lian Tanner, published by Allen & Unwin.
Just finished you first book in the keepers trilogy. It’s an awesome book!!!!! Can’t wait to read the other two!:)
Hi Gracie, good to hear from you! I’m really glad you liked the first book so much, and hope you like the next two just as much. It’s a good time to get started on the trilogy now they’re all published, so you don’t have to wait. π Check out my not-quite-latest blog if you’re interested in the competition we’re currently running.
hi lian,
love the first book!! cant wait to get the next one!
i first heard about the book from my teacher, you came in the year before i as in his class and talked about it… i use to go to windermere, is your neice maddie? if so, i live just around the corner from her
hi lian
i loooove your books! love them!r u making a number 4
Hi Abbey, how nice to hear from you! I’m so glad you love the books. I’m not making a number 4 in this series – but I do have a new book coming out in November (in Australia & NZ – don’t yet know where else it will be published) called Ice Breaker. This is also a fantasy, and I reckon that if you love the Keepers and Goldie you’ll also love Ice Breaker and Petrel.
ok i’ll look out for them thanks
Your books were funny, creative and mysterious. I loved the way you made the trilogy so suspenseful and everlasting! They took my breath away.
Thanks Jack. I hope you’ll keep your eyes open for Ice Breaker which is coming out in Australia and New Zealand in November. I don’t yet know where else it’ll be published – fingers crossed that the US picks it up too. Anyway, the reason I’m saying this is that I think Ice Breaker is also funny and mysterious and suspenseful. (Always a bit hard for an author to tell, but I think I’m right!)
hey! just read your book for a school assessment and i love it ! as soon as i put the book down i asked my mom if i could by the trilogy ! i think its cool the your australian . i am too ! i only just finished the book and i was searching for the names of the trilogy so i knew what i was looking for . then i found this site and i just had to leave a comment . love your books π keep up the good work ! bye:)
Hey Abii, good to hear from you! Whereabouts in Aust do you live? I love hearing from readers who have just discovered the trilogy, so thanks for leaving a message. I am doing my best to keep up the good work … Watch out for my new book Ice Breaker in November. π
I wrote to you on two blogs. This one (as you can see) and another one. I need to see the other one to find what I said for some homework. It’s practically overdue! π
Thanks π
Is there any way you can do it?
Here you are, Jack.
π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π π
Dear Lian,
Wow I just finished your third book it was AMAZING wow you’ve got such a gift. I was just wondering how you thought to write the keepers and what inspired you the most! You’ve inspired me a lot I was a bit disappointed to hear the path of beasts was your last but really excited to hear you’ve written a new book the ice breaker I think any way I can’t wait to read it!!! You’re my favourite author Lian please don’t stop writing!
I’m really glad you liked the series so much, Lizzy – and I certainly won’t stop writing! It is very much my favourite thing to do. Sort of like reading, only better. π As for what inspired me, you can read about some of it here. I’m glad my books have inspired you – it’s always really nice to hear from someone else who loves writing.
dear Lian, thank you so much for the keepers series, it has inspired me to read more then I used to, your books are great.
just one question how can I learn finger talk from the first book all I could find was finger spelling and sign langue?
thanks and keep on writing I love your books
Dear Noelani, thanks for your lovely message. Fingertalk – hmmm. In the real world (as against the wonderful world of books) I think the only way is to invent your own with a friend. Sometimes when I do school visits I get kids to pair up and invent signs that wouldn’t look at all suspicious to someone else, but that mean something to them, e.g.’Someone’s coming!’ The main thing is you have to have a sign to start off with (like clicking your fingers), so that your friend knows you’re talking rather than just brushing your hair out of your eyes. π It’s interesting that you mention finger spelling, because I learned it as a kid, and my brothers and I used it. That’s what inspired the idea of fingertalk.
P.S. If you loved the Keepers, you might like my new series, the Hidden, which is starting in late October with Ice Breaker.
Hi I love these books but one thing would make me buy them?…..
ROMANCE!!! Why aren’t toadspit and Goldie together yet?!?!?!?!
Sorry, it had to be said, and all of my friends think so too.
Nothing inapropriate, just crushing or something till they get older!
LOL – several other people have asked me the same thing, AJ. I like a good romance as much as the next person, but remember these aren’t really YA books, they’re primarily aimed at the middle grade reader, which includes kids as young as eight. So, firstly, the publishers would probably object if I put romance in them (or I’d have to make Goldie and Toadspit older, which I don’t want to do). Secondly, there is SO MUCH romance around aimed at very young kids that I don’t want to add to it. And thirdly, I’m interested in exploring friendship and how it develops and changes, and how important it can be in people’s lives. Romances come and go, but friends tend to last. There’s such a powerful friendship between Goldie and Toadspit, and if they ever did get together (beyond the books) their love would be much stronger because of it.
I loved The Museum of Thieves and have just finished reading it to my boys – they loved it too. Thanks for writing this book about a young girl who is totally believable and not Hollywood girly. We cant wait to begin the next one!
Thanks for letting me know, Sue! I love to hear from people who are enjoying the books. I do hope you and your boys love City of Lies just as much.
I’ve read all three of the keepers trilogy and I love them so much! Will there be another amazing book after the Path Of Beasts? Cuz’ I’m really, I mean REALLY looking forward to your next book. Will Blessed Guardian Hope avenge for the Fugleman? Hope you’ll publish a new one soon! π
Hi Lemon, thanks for the lovely comments. I’m not planning on writing anything more about Goldie and Toadspit at the moment, though I do have a vague hope of writing some spin-offs at some stage, maybe about Bonnie and Mouse. However right now I’m deep in the Hidden series. Do you know about these ones? I’m not sure where you live, but if you are in Australia/NZ the first book, Ice Breaker, is available now in the shops, and the second one, Sunker’s Deep, will be out at the end of October. If you’re in the US, Ice Breaker will be published there next year. It’s getting a really good response from other people who love the Keepers, so I suspect you’ll enjoy it.
Oh, are they available in Malaysia? Thanks for the information though.
They are not available in Malaysia yet, though hopefully it will get picked up for translation. However you can buy it online. Here or here.
your books are my favourite of all time,
i REALLY think you should make a fourth book about them looking for old lady skint or something like that.
i was really sad when i finished the last book, so PLEASE make a new book :).
Ah May, what a nice thing to say! You know, I might write some more books set in that world one day – it’s an idea that’s tucked away at the back of my mind, waiting for the right time. But for now I’m working on something different, and that’s the Hidden series. Have you read Ice Breaker yet? If you like the Keepers so much, I reckon you’ll really like the story of Petrel and her friends too.
thanks lian i haven’t read ice breaker yet i’ll try it I’m just going to the library and i will see if they have it π
just saying,
what found with your books is that I can’t pic just one favourite every single character is cool,
okay I admit that Toadspit, Bonnie and Goldie are awesome and Mouse is cute and the keepers are awesome too and I have a crush on Pounce, but to meβ¦ the Fugleman is awesome too,and so is everyone else (but i don’t like guardian Hope, Kindness or Meek very much, comfort is ok but the othersβ¦β¦they creep me out in a kooky sort of way but they are grrrrr-8 characters in your books) and by the way, I LOVED the Fugleman’s death seen, I was up till 2:00 A.M. finishing the book and I was soooooooooooo entranced, how you rote it was to die for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:O :O :O :O
You have a crush on Pounce? That’s so nice, he’s one of my favourite characters, and I really liked the way he changed in the third book. And I too loved the Fugleman’s death, and go back and reread it every now and again for the sheer satisfaction of it!
I’m glad you like all the characters so much – people often ask me who my favourite is, and I DO have favourites, but I love them all too. Even the creepy ones. π
and just one more question,
how old is Toadspit, Goldie, Pounce etc
i’ve wondered this from the first book
Toadspit and Goldie are both twelve. I think Pounce is probably a year or so older, though no one (including him) knows exactly how old he is.
Hello, I read the first two books ages ago but I was waiting for the last book XD. I recently re-read them, this time, including the last book. I absolutely loved the series, I don’t know if you’ll see this but I’m hoping for the best π I have a few questions.
Do you think that when Toadspit and Goldie grow older they will end up together? If not, why would they not end up together and who would they end up with?
Are you ever going to write a short epilogue?
Thank you so much for writing this series! I enjoyed it and I loved the way I could pick it up and instantly escape to their world. It was great since I really needed an escape lately and the way you write just draws me in and it’s so entertaining to read. I’m glad that there isn’t any romance because all of the books lately has the main character falling in love when this isn’t part of Goldie’s quest or challenge. I loved the way you portrayed her as a strong female character which doesn’t necessarily mean that she can snap people’s necks and be physically strong but she is strong in the sense that she is very well written and independent and is an inspiring role model for Bonnie and other girls.
Thank you for sharing your writing! π
Hi Gwyneth, thanks so much for leaving such nice comments. I really love it when people find these books and get something good out of them. I know completely what you mean about escaping into the world of a book – it’s what I like to do too, especially when real life gets a bit tricky.
Your questions aren’t easy to answer. I feel as if Goldie and Toadspit have a life of their own, beyond what I’ve written, so I don’t really know if they’ll end up together when they are older, or not. If they do, I think it will be a very strong relationship because they know each other so well and are such good friends, which seems to me to be an excellent basis for a relationship. If they don’t end up together, I think they’ll continue to be best friends for the rest of their lives.
I don’t have an epilogue in mind at the moment, though that might always change. I’ve just finished writing the Hidden series (starts with ‘Ice Breaker’) and am now daydreaming my way into a new series, which I don’t know much about at the moment. I have a suspicion it might be set in the same world as the Keepers, but in a different part of that world. Will any of the same characters come into it? Who knows? π
Thank you so much for answering my questions! I just started reading the Hidden series and I like it so far! I am very excited for your new series and I hope that you are very successful with those books.
Thanks Gwyneth. If you keep an eye on my blog you’ll see how it’s coming along! And I was wondering if you’d like some bookplates for either the Keepers or the Hidden. You can see them here.
I love the way you have made Toadspit grow because he seems so much older and more mature in the last book. He is no longer innocent and carefree because he has a big responsibility and I felt like I watched (or read) them all grow up and it was beautiful even if it all happened in the space of about 6 months
Yes, I liked the way Toadspit grew up too. Which is probably an odd thing to say, seeing I wrote it. But characters take on a life of their own, and I thought Toadspit became such an interesting person by the end. He always had that potential, but it took a lot of growing up for him to get there.
Hey! I’m a MASSIVE fan of The Keepers, and I wish there was a 4th and a 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th…. and so on. I read the first and absolutely LOVED IT!!!! I know by the looks of the comments that you are not going to make a fourth, but the books just. Keep. On. Getting. BETTER!!!!!!! thankyou.
Hey Abbey, so nice to hear from you! And I love hearing that the books keep getting better – that’s what I aim for. π Certainly at the moment I’m not thinking of writing any more Goldie/Toadspit books, but I AM thinking of more books set in a different part of that same world. Not sure yet if this will happen, but I think it’d be interesting.
In the meantime, would you like some signed bookplates? You can see them here. And have you checked out my new trilogy yet – The Hidden?
I really need help for my English Assignment, we have to write an episode, inserted within a book and my book is The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was wondering if you had any tips on how to stop writer’s block, how to end an episode/chapter and how to not go over the word limit (600 words) etc. How do you write your stories?
Thank you!
Hi Gwyneth, the best way to get over writer’s block is to just start writing and don’t worry too much about getting it right. What professional authors like myself do is write a first draft, which is the rough messy doesn’t-always-make-a-lot-of-sense draft, then fix it up in the second draft. This is also how you make sure not to go over the word limit – you cut out all the bits you don’t need. Remember that a good episode is ALWAYS about some sort of conflict. And depending on the book, you can end the chapter when that conflict is resolved/fixed, or you can end in the middle of it, to make a cliffhanger.
So, start by asking yourself these questions: What does my main character want in this scene? What’s stopping him/her getting it? This shows you what the conflict is. Then start writing and see where you end up. Don’t worry if it’s a bit confusing or you don’t get it right first time – I never do either. It’s when we edit that we make the story better.
Sorry for the late reply but thank you so much for this advice! We recently had an author visit by James Moloney and he said the exact same things as you! I will definitely take this advice on board.
Thank you again!
You’re welcome, Gwyneth! And glad to hear that James Moloney’s advice was the same as mine. We authors like to stick together. π
Lian I love your series of the museum of thieves it’s awesome and I have also read the ice breaker series also and wish with all my heart that you would consider a third book in the ice breaker series and a fourth book in the the museum of thieves series also you are simply amazing in writing books and can’t wait to read more of your fantastical books.
Sincerely yours Jade
Hi Jade, thanks for the lovely lovely comments. You will be pleased to hear (I hope!) that the third book in the Hidden series is coming out in January. At least I think that’s when – I don’t have a definite date yet, but have just sent the copy edit back to the publishers, and have seen the cover (which is beautiful), so I know it’s well under way. If you keep an eye on my blog (which you’ve already discovered) you’ll get updates as to when it’s due.
There won’t be a fourth in the Museum of Thieves series, but I’m currently thinking about a new series which will PROBABLY be set in the same world. I say probably because nothing is definite yet! Let me know if you’d like some signed bookplates for either series. You can see them here.
Hi Lian
Love the book but i always questioned what the wolf sark is?
Please answer
Hello Blake, glad you like the book! When I was writing City of Lies and building the world of Princess Frisia, I wanted her to have some sort of battle madness. I was reading about the Old Norse berserkers at the time, and discovered that there were various beliefs about the origin of the word ‘berserk’. One of them was that the warriors went into battle wearing a shirt or a coat (serkr) made from a bear skin (ber-), and that this was where their power and battle madness came from.
The symbol of Frisia’s people was the wolf, so I thought – instead of ber-serk, it would be wolf-serk. Which I then changed to wolf sark, because ‘sark’ is also an old spelling for shirt. Frisia doesn’t actually wear a wolf skin in battle, but I thought it was a good name for some sort of hereditary battle madness.
Hi Liam,
My name is Claire and I turned 11 resently. I am very picky with what books I read [ and finish ] so it is always a excitement when I find a book I don’t just enjoy but love and would recommend if I wanted to share the the beauty the book holds within it’s thin glorious pages. I have a few questions that I would love you to answer because it would really mean something to me. Firstly, how did you come up with the idea for the book, secondly, do you have any writing advise, thirdly, are you writing any books now? Thank you for your time,
Yours sincerely Claire.
Hi Claire, how nice to hear from you. I’m a picky reader too, and I agree completely about the joy of finding books you love. So it’s extra-nice that you feel that way about the Keepers. Have you read all three, or only the first one?
Now for your questions. The first book came about as a result of a couple of things. There was a boy living in my street who was hugely overprotected by his mother – wasn’t allowed to do anything by himself, even though this is a very safe, quiet, dead-end street – the sort of street where other kids play cricket in the middle of the road. So that got me thinking about the whole overprotected children thing, and I just kept pushing the idea further and further until I came up with the idea of guard chains. At the same time, I was reading about the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg, and how enormous it is, like a world of its own. And the two ideas sort of banged up against each other and turned into a book. Then that turned into a trilogy.
I have lots of writing advice, but you need to ask me a more specific question. If you don’t have a particular question, have a look at the page ‘Advice for young authors’. That’s got lots of questions that people have sent me, along with my answers.
Yes, I am very definitely writing a book now. I don’t know whether you know my Hidden series – that’s the three books that came out after I finished the Keepers. Now they’re finished too, and I’ve started on a new series with the working title ‘The Accidental Bodyguards’. It’s set in the same world as the Keepers, but in a different part of that world and a few years later.
Hi Lian,
I have only read the first book because that is the only one I have.
I looked at the advice for young aurthors after I wrote the comment. Opps. I am going to plead for the second book and if I am not allowed I will visit every library in the area I am in. One more question, what was your favourite Aurthor when you were my age or older. I would love to try it out.
I do hope you manage to get hold of the second book, Claire. It’s called ‘City of Lies’, and it takes Goldie and Toadspit to some very strange places. If you can’t persuade anyone to buy you a copy, I’m sure it will be in your local library.
I had several favourite authors when I was your age. I loved the Narnia books by CS Lewis, and pretty much anything by Violet Needham. Her books have been out of print for a long time unfortunately – they were wildly exciting adventures. I also loved The Silver Brumby.
There’s another page on this website called ‘Other people’s books’, which is a list of books that I love, for both children and adults. You might find some useful recommendations there.
Just to say right now that I own the first two books of ‘The Keepers Trilogy’ and for some reason I haven’t found the third book yet. And I’m amazed that you’re also an Australian author as well, one that I like for the matter because I rarely find books made by Australian authors that actually seem appealing and that grab my interest.
Now. I wondering if you could tell me whether the Museum of Thieves is an example of change of perspective? I’m doing Advanced English and as of currently our area of focus is ‘Change’, but more specifically change of perspective. I haven’t read the two books that I have for a while and I’ll check this afternoon to see, but I just wanted to know whether you believe that M.o.T is a good text example for the focus study.
Sincerely, a fan of your work, M. L. Oschar
Hi Monica, thanks for the nice comments, and I hope you manage to find a copy of Path of Beasts, the third book. Is change of perspective the same as change of point of view? If it is, then MoT is a good example, because although it’s written primarily from Goldie’s pov, it also gives the pov of the Protector, the Fugleman and Guardian Hope. Some authors balance this out more evenly, with equal weight given to the different characters, but I rather like having a primary character, with the other povs there to show different perspectives and to ratchet up the tension.
Hello, Lian! It’s Monica again XD, I came back to ask yet another question.
‘Change can involve overcoming obstacles’ is our question that we have to answer for the assignment I’ve talked about in my prior reply to you. Just to further clarify so I can understand, do you believe the first book definitely is a great text example.
In my opinion, it is because of several examples where this comes into recognition, but of course, yet again I wish to hear your answer. Thank you for your time and patience, and thank you for being blessed with your almost instant reply. I’m glad an author like you still stays in touch with their fans.
Oops, haven’t had the almost instant reply on this one, I’m afraid. Sorry, Monica, my computer sometimes doesn’t tell me when there’s a new comment, and I forget to check. But yes, I do think MoT is a good example of change involving overcoming obstacles. Goldie has to face a lot of obstacles and go through a lot of changes in this first book, and that is very hard for a girl who has been so overprotected. The whole premise of fiction is having a character struggle against obstacles, and have to change to overcome them. If that doesn’t happen, a book can very easily become boring.
Apologies again for the slow reply – I hope it’s not too late.
Hi Lian,
I am SO glad I read your books! I’ve just finished City of Lies and I will soon put Path of Beasts on hold at my local library. My ‘Books to Read’ list was empty and I just took a random book off the shelf. It happened to be Museum of Thieves. Thank you so much for these wonderful books!
I’m wondering how you come up with your character names. Goldie seems like a (I feel like odd is the right word but I’m afraid you’ll take that to mean bad or negative or something) choice for a name, as do Toadspit, Sinew and some of the other characters.
Also where did you get the idea for the First Song? And Brizzlehounds, Slommerkins and Idlecats? And the Blessed Guardians and the guard chains an things?
Sorry for all the questions but I’ve never written to an author before, let alone one of my favourites!
Hi Shakira, how nice to hear from you! Isn’t it wonderful when you grab a random library book off the shelf and it turns out to be something you love? The nicest sort of serendipity, I think.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember where I got names from. In my very first draft of Museum (my play/experimental draft), both Goldie and Toadspit had different names. Toadspit was Lionel (!), but I can’t remember what Goldie was. Then, round about my fourth or fifth draft I realised that, in this city where nothing bad was allowed to happen, parents would name their children in a particular way – good names, positive names. And I used to know a girl called Goldie, so it fitted right in, especially if it was short for Golden. I also realised that a boy who was rebelling against this over-safe world would choose something really disgusting. Hence Toadspit.
Can’t remember where Sinew came from – but I like names that mean something in fiction – I think I brainstormed a list, and Sinew has such a nice sound to it.
All the other stuff came about gradually. The Blessed Guardians were there fairly early on, but the guard chains came VERY late – round about the eighteenth draft (!). So did the different creatures. In the early drafts there was a small dog called Blind Jimmy and a bear called Crackbone, and after a while the two of them sort of joined together and became one creature.
I hope that explains a little – it’s quite hard to say where some of these things come from. I wrote Museum over a period of three years, and all that time things were sloshing around in my unconscious mind, mixing and changing, and every now and again tossing up an idea. Sometimes I stumble across something that leads to something else. e.g. I have a wonderful book called ‘The Word Museum: the most remarkable English words ever forgotten’. I find it very inspirational – ‘brizzle’ means to scorch near to burning. ‘Idle-worms’ were said to be worms bred in the fingers of lazy girls. Somehow brizzlehound and idle-cat came out of those.
P.S. I’m so pleased to be the first author you’ve written to – and one of your favourites!
I absolutely adored the keepers! Combined with the interesting plot twists and Lian Tanner’s intriguing imagination its easily one of the best books ever! Miss Tanner I beg you to write more phenomenal books such as the Keepers, I love your writing. And even your hidden series was brilliant! Please, please write more books with such rich content
Anne, thank you for such a wonderful comment – you’ve made my day! I’m delighted to be able to tell you that Accidental Heroes is now out – set in the same world as the Keepers but with different characters. The second book in this new series will be out in October. I hope you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the others. And honestly, I can’t see myself stopping writing – I love it too much.
i took the first book to school with me, and basically all my friends were telling me how good the books were, i’m now on the third book, I can see what the mean, these are some of the best books i have ever read!
Wow Sam, that’s so good to hear! Thanks for letting me know. When you’ve finished the Keepers, you might want to have a look at Accidental Heroes, which is set in the same world, but a different part of that world.
Hi Ms. Tanner! The Keepers trilogy has been in my favorites since I happened upon MoT in my school library in the fifth grade, and I’d just like to thank you for these books that have become so special to me! They’ve become something like comfort books, ones that I fall back on whenever I want something good and warm and familiar to read. Even just remembering them and their characters already makes me so happy. π
I’ve always been curious about Toadspit, though. What brought him to the Museum, and how did he become its fourth keeper? I was wondering if you had any story for him in your mind.
I’m currently in the middle of The Hidden series, just about to start Battlesong, and I’m loving it just as well! Fin and Petrel’s friendship is the dearest (reading “Petrel’s best friend” in Fin’s description really made me smile), and Sharkey grew on me a lot, from a character I found unlikeable to quite possibly my favorite to read about.
The first time I heard of The Rogues trilogy and that it took place in the same world as The Keepers, I nearly jumped in my seat with excitement haha. But it’s not available to borrow or recommend at my library, sadly, I suppose that’s because it hasn’t been picked up by a US publisher? Someday for sure, though, I’ll hold those books in my hands!
Oh my word, Charm, what a lovely message to receive on a cold rainy day in Tasmania! I love that the Keepers became comfort books for you – mainly because I am a big fan of comfort books, which can always be relied upon in dark and worrisome times.
That’s an interesting question about Toadspit. I don’t know exactly how he came to the Museum, and have never gone into his story in great detail. I know that he hated his given name Cautionary, I know that he taught himself to pick locks when he was 10 (his parents thought he was learning to knit), and I know that he ran away because he couldn’t bear the guardchains a moment longer. He’s exactly the sort of person who would have ended up at the Museum eventually, and I love the fact that he is so brave and so loyal.
I’m really pleased to hear that you’re enjoying the Hidden series. I am desperately fond of Petrel and Fin β and Sharkey, too. I love the way they grow and change, and I miss them dreadfully when I stop writing about them. It’s really interesting that Sharkey is possibly your favourite to read about β he goes through such enormous changes, doesn’t he, and I think Sunker’s Deep is one of my best books, despite the fact that it was one of the hardest to write.
Yes, you’re right in thinking that The Rogues Trilogy hasn’t been picked up by a US publisher. The whole publishing thing is so difficult at the moment that I’m not sure it will happen. If you’re desperate, you can buy them from my Australian publisher and they’ll ship to the US – the exchange rate is very much in your favour at the moment so if you buy the paperbacks you should get them at a good price. One way or the other, I very much hope you get to read them, and discover the story of Duckling and Pummel.
Stay safe and well, Charm, in these strange times. Thank heavens we’ve got books to get us through! xx
I’ve just finished Battlesong now, and I’ve got lots running through my mind!
To tell the truth, I used to be the biggest reader when I was littler, able to lose myself completely in a book whatever my surroundings were. One time I always remember is when I sat right by a ringing doorbell and didn’t notice it, not until my parents were asking me why I didn’t check the door haha. The past few years, I lost the habit of reading so much along with that ability to immerse myself, but reading this, I feel like I’ve rediscovered it, and it’s the nicest feeling.
I adore stories of friendship and found family, and this was certainly no exception! I especially loved Sharkey’s attempt at a song to encourage Rain, and the ending with Petrel and Krill had my heart swelling nearly as much as her own. I’ve been thinking about this since the first book, but this last nailed it: half Braid, half Grease, and adopted Duff, Petrel is really more of the Everything Girl, isn’t she?
I still wonder about the Sunkers, though, and what happened after Sharkey’s confession. The last we saw of Poddy was her face falling at that, but I hope that she and Sharkey still held their friendship.
Please stay well too, Ms. Tanner, and thank you for the wonderful characters and stories keeping me company!
I think it’s far too easy to lose sight of the things that sustained us when we were small. So I’m really glad that Battlesong has help you get back into immersive reading. It’s the nicest thing, imo, and I couldn’t do without it.
Yes, I love stories of found family too. As a matter of fact I just reread the bits of Battlesong you mentioned – I hardly ever reread my books, because by the time they’re published I’ve read them so many times and I’m sick of them. But this was lovely, looking back at this story, so thank you. And I had never thought of Petrel being the Everything Girl! You’re right, and that is such a brilliant notion! Thank you!!!!!
You stay well too, Charm. It’s been a delight hearing from you. And keep reading – it’s one of those things that makes all the difference in the world. xx