Update on new bookplates

May 22nd, 2014

I know that several of you have been waiting impatiently for the new Ice Breaker bookplates. I thought your wait was over earlier this week – a parcel came in the mail, from the US where the bookplates are being printed. I opened the nice little box (which said ‘bookplates’ on the outside) thinking ‘Yes! At last!’ And they were the WRONG COLOUR! I ordered white ones, they sent parchment colour, which is not nearly as nice. So I emailed them and they were very apologetic, and said they’d send me nice white ones straight away.

So, the wait continues!

I haven’t done anything more about the competition yet – still thinking about it (and being a bit too busy). I’ve been doing a bit of drawing, so it might turn out to be a drawing competition. Hmmmm …

I have at last got a rough date for when Ice Breaker is coming out in the the US. It’ll be published in August 2015 – next year – and we should have cover art soon. Hopefully I’ll be able to show it to you. It’s going to be really interesting to see how it differs from the Australian cover – they are always hugely different. The US publisher is Feiwel and Friends, which is an imprint of MacMillan. From the emails so far they sound really nice, and I think I’m going to enjoy working with them.

Meanwhile, Tasmania is chugging along, heading towards winter. And here’s Harry, having a dreadfully hard evening in front of the wood heater. πŸ™‚

Harry in front of the wood heater

0 thoughts on “Update on new bookplates

  1. Io says:

    Hey Lian,
    I really do hope the RIGHT ones come in the mail soon! But the colored ones shouldn’t be that bad. It still is illustrated by the one and only Sebastian Ciaffaglione! I’ll hold my patience!


    P.S. looking comfy there Harry!

    P.P.S. Harry, it would be a good idea to light the wood for more warmth…(psst! The matches are behind you!)

    1. Lian says:

      Would he lift a paw to light the heater? I doubt it – he knows I’ll be along soon to attend to his comforts. πŸ™‚

      1. Io says:

        Ha ha ha! I hope he is right!

        Io πŸ™‚

  2. Lilli says:

    Hi Lian !
    I hope that Tassie isn’t too cold in the Winter time !
    my Year 6 teacher came from Hobart to Sydney and she is very excited to finally have a winter without a – something degrees day !
    I cannot wait until they send the right bookplates , I am re – reading Icebreaker because I really want to read the things that I may have missed !
    From Lilli ! xx
    P.s I bet that you could still use the parchment colour ones when the white ones run out !

    1. Lian says:

      Hi Lilli!
      It’s not too cold so far – or rather the nights are cold and the days are really nice. But I must admit that I rather like the cold – it’s exciting to go out all rugged up into the weather, then race home again and warm up in front of the fire. πŸ™‚ And I LOVE having a fire. (So does Harry – this is probably fairly obvious.) I’m interested to hear that you are re-reading Ice Breaker. Do you have a favourite bit? I’m always curious to know which parts people like best.

      As for the bookplates, yes, I guess I can still use the parchment ones, but I like the white ones much better, so will wait for them before making a general offer.

    2. Io says:

      I know this might sound a bit like I’m a stalker or something but if you don’t mind me asking, what Year level are you?

  3. Io says:

    Hi Lian,
    Do remember Tallulah? (Lillian) She has this new book blog and I think everyone should check it out! She says she’s going to do a review soon on Icebreaker!

    1. Lian says:

      I just had an email from her, Io. Looking forward to the Ice Breaker review!

  4. Lilli says:

    Dear Io ,
    Im in Year 6 !

    1. Io says:

      Oh, Ok. Just asking!


  5. Io says:

    And here comes the final truth of what came out of Ice Breaker to my client (kind-of), Lillian!

    Ice Breaker review:

    I hope that is what you were aiming for Lian!


    1. Lian says:

      A very nice review, Io!

    2. Lilli says:

      I love the review ! xx

      1. Io says:

        Thank you!

  6. Io says:

    I just edited it. *blushes*

    1. Lian says:

      πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  7. Dixie Savage says:

    Hi Lian

    I am so very excited for the second book to come out-just finished Book 1 of “The Hidden” series…did not think you could write charaters that I like as much as Goldie & Toadspit, but you did! Thanks so much. Very much looking forward to the bookplates as well. SO glad I did not wait until the books became available here in the US-thanks for the info on how and where to order them from Australia. Just looked up the dates for Book 2! Right now, here in Tucson, AZ it is 108 degrees-so it was nice reading about ice and being cold…


    1. Lian says:

      Hi Dixie

      Thanks for letting me know that you enjoyed Ice Breaker so much. I’m glad you liked Petrel and Fin et al – I have become very fond of them! And I have your email on my computer, still waiting for the proper bookplates to arrive, so I can let you know they have come.

      108? That’s 42 degrees C!!!!

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