Haunted Warriors giveaway!

September 14th, 2019

My author copies of Haunted Warriors (the third and final book in the Rogues trilogy) have arrived, and I thought it’d be nice to run a giveaway. You don’t have to share this post or tag anyone (unless you feel like it, of course!). The only thing I DO ask is that if you use Goodreads or Amazon or similar websites, you consider leaving a review. Or tell your friends about it. These things matter.
Box full of copies of Haunted Warriors by Lian Tanner
So who’d like to win a copy of Haunted Warriors before it hits the shops? There are two copies up for grabs, and I’m opening this world-wide. You can leave a comment here, or head over to my author facebook page and leave a comment on the giveaway post there. Please make it clear that you’re entering the competition and not just saying hello!

6 thoughts on “Haunted Warriors giveaway!

  1. Hello Lian I would love to enter the Haunted Warriors giveaway. I already own the first two Rogues books and enjoy reading them.

    1. Lian Tanner says:

      Thanks for entering, Sophie. I’ll put you on the list.

    2. Lian Tanner says:

      Hi Sophie, just to let you know that you didn’t win. One copy went to a child in Launceston, and one to Sydney.

  2. Sophie says:

    That is okay I will probably buy it anyway.

  3. Violet says:

    Eeek! Such a good book very, very happy with the ending!

    1. Lian Tanner says:

      I’m so pleased, Violet! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂

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