New bookplates!

October 28th, 2018

Back in 2010, when Museum of Thieves first came out, I had the rather nice problem of how to get my signature to interstate/overseas readers who wanted it. Some authors send postcards, but I really liked the idea of signed bookplates, which people could stick inside the front of their books.

So I asked Sebastian Ciaffaglione, the artist who did the Australian cover and all the character drawings for the Keepers trilogy, to design them for me. And they were gorgeous.

Sebastian also did some for the Hidden/Icebreaker series, with the delightful Mister Smoke and Missus Slink. But when I came to the Rogues, I suddenly realised that it would make a lot more sense to get a bookplate that wasn’t tied to a particular book/series. And then I could keep using it for as long as I liked.

Sher Rill Ng did the covers for the Rogues trilogy, so she was the one I asked to design them. I didn’t really know what I wanted, so I asked her for something that said fantasy/adventure; something a bit quirky. She sent me some roughs, and one of them had a cat sitting next to a pile of books, which I really liked, but I also realised I wanted a sword in there somewhere. 🙂

And this is what she came up with.

Isn’t it beautiful? I’m so very very happy with it. I went ahead and ordered the bookplates, and they arrived from the printer last week. So if you’d like one or two or three, leave a message below and I’ll email you for details and your address.

I’ll also put these up on the Free Stuff page, so if you suddenly have a fit of longing for them in six months time, you don’t have to flick back through all the blog posts to find them.

What am I reading?

For YA/adults: One of the best things I read this last week was a novella called Nine Goblins, by T Kingfisher (who writes for younger readers under what I assume is her real name, Ursula Vernon). It’s described as ‘low fantasy – very low fantasy’, and it’s hilarious. The goblin warriors are utterly delightful, the writing is terrific, and I’m recommending it to everyone because I really want everyone to read it.

‘For a goblin, Murray was a genius. He’d washed out of the Mechanics Corps for being too good at his job. Goblins appreciate machines that are big and clunky and have lots of spiky bits sticking off them, and which break down and explode and take half the Corps with them. That’s how you knew it worked. If it couldn’t kill goblins, how could you trust it to kill the enemy?’

20 thoughts on “New bookplates!

  1. Ann Edwards says:

    Oh yes, I’d love to have these beautiful bookplates for my books. I’ve been trying to figure out how to get signed copies of your books. What a nice solution.

  2. Evie Dean says:

    Hi, I’d love a bookplate for the Rogues 😀

  3. Jenna says:

    Hello! Are you able to send bookplates to the US! If so, I would love to have a couple!

  4. Sofie says:

    The bookplates with the racoon and sword are soooo cute!!!!

    1. Lian Tanner says:

      They’re gorgeous, aren’t they. But it’s a cat! I’d never thought of it as a racoon, but I can see how you’d make that mistake. 😉

  5. Sophie says:

    I would love a set of the Rogues bookplates.
    Also the workshop at my school today, with you, was amazing.

    1. Lian Tanner says:

      Hey Sophie, it was great to meet you in the flesh today! I’m glad you enjoyed the workshop – I had a good time too. Everyone had such amazing ideas, and the stories were pouring out of them. I’ll email you about the bookplates, so check your email.

  6. Kirina Blackaby says:

    Hi Lian I’d love a book plate , not fussy on what one 🙂 I love your stories and I’d love to share these with my daughter and the excitement of having a famous author sign something for you 🙂 keep up the good work I hope to get my princess to do a couple of your activities in the next weeks

  7. Jessica J says:

    Hello, Lian! I wrote a comment on the Free Bookplates blog, but I’m not sure if it went through. If it did, don’t worry about this comment. Anyways, I would love 3-4 of any of the bookplates if you are still doing these. They are such a cool idea! Love your books and I hope you’re doing well! <3

  8. Sajani says:

    Hi lian,
    I’m from sri lanka and accidently found your website and found it as one of the best work i have came across.I’d love to have few book plates from you and it will be a great honour for me

  9. Love your books and would love a few bookplates

  10. Elizabeth Ann Edwards says:

    I can’t wait for my copy of Rita’s Revenue. This is a pretty big pond to swim across, even for a headstrong duck. Perhaps she’ll meet a few new friends along the way. I would be dismayed if she got lost. I was thinking, I would love a few of your lovely bookmarks to remind my books, when they were out and about visiting, where they were to come home. Thank you Lian for all of the wonderful adventures. Ann

  11. Adelle says:

    Hi Lian, you visited my daughters school which lead to us purchasing a Clue for Clara and Ritas revenge for her to read as we crossed the Nullarbor for a family road trip (thankyou for keeping her so happily occupied 😉 😊) She enjoyed them so much I have just done some Christmas shopping and purchased the Rogues books. I would love a book plate for them.

  12. Deb says:

    Hi Liam I’d love a cat one for my cat mad book mad daughter!

  13. Sara Newell says:

    I would love 3 bookplates for The Rogues series please! I just ordered this series for our Junior section and this is such a cool opportunity; thank you~

  14. Bec says:

    I’d love to have these beautiful bookplates for my books.

  15. Gupta says:

    Can I please get a free book plate

  16. Jeffrey says:

    Can I please have the first one. It is sooooo cool

  17. Leisa says:

    Hi Lian,
    I am guiding a group of 12 writers in Cairns, and we recently joined you via Zoom during book week. Three of our ‘Writers’ Guild’ members also got to meet you in person in Brisbane last week when they competed in (and won) the Readers’ Cup. They were sooo excited! Josie even had you sign her writing journal 🙂 I am wondering if I could get a bookplate for each of the Guild members – we are all big fans!

  18. Alec says:

    Hello Lian (I hope I can just say Lian? Wonderful name by the way.)
    I’m located in germany and ever since I was like, 8 years old, I loved the first book of the Keepers Triology and checked it out from our local library about once every other year. But they never had the sequels and it took me till now to find out about them, so I promptly asked for the second book for my birthday! I can’t wait to read it once it gets here.
    So I’ve been wondering if I could get one of the bookplates with the little cat if it’s not too much effort?
    I hope you and anyone else who reads this has a lovely day!

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